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EtherNet/IPフィールドバスゲートウェイは、Modbus RTU/TCPとEtherNet/IP通信プロトコル間のシームレスな通信を提供します。
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【Modbus RTU/TCP から EtherNet/IP変換】プロトコル Gateway/ 広温度対応品
  1. Seamless integrate Modbus RTU/TCP and EtherNet/IP communication
  2. Built-in real time diagnostic to increase high efficiency of device management
  3. Designed for protocol extensibility and adaption
  4. Modbus TCP Master mode supports 64 connections
  5. Supports dual power input for power redundancy
  6. Mounts on DIN-rail and Wall mount


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0800-500-1055 FAX:03-6802-1023

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