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To keep your serial equipment communicating and smoothly integrated with new technologies, B+B SmartWorx powered by Advantech has developed the most extensive line of serial conversion and isolation products on the market. Built tough to handle the most demanding environments, our serial products are rugged and reliable.
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ULI-341TC - USB to RS-422/485 (Terminal Block) Isolated Converter.
  1. USB to RS-422/485 Converter
  2. 2 kV Isolation
  3. USB Port Powered
  4. High Retention USB Connector, Plug in Serial Terminal Block
  5. 460.8 kbps Serial Data Rate
  6. USB Cable Included
  7. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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Serial Converter, USB 2.0 to 2 x RS-422/485 TB, Isolated
  1. USB to RS-422/485 Converter
  2. 2 kV Isolation
  3. 921.6 Kbps Serial Data Rate
  4. Flat Panel Mounting
  5. Terminal Block for 10-30 VDC Power Input
  6. High Retention USB Connector, Plug in Serial Terminal Block
  7. USB Cable Included


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ULI-344TC, ULI-344TC - USB to RS-422/485 (Terminal Block) Isolated Converter 4 Port
  1. USB to RS-422/485 Converter
  2. 2 kV Isolation
  3. 921.6 Kbps Serial Data Rate
  4. Flat Panel Mounting
  5. Terminal Block for 10-30 VDC Power Input
  6. High Retention USB Connector, Plug in Serial Terminal Block
  7. USB Cable Included


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CIRCUIT MODULE, USB to RS-422/485, Isoalted, DIN Rail, 2 Port
  1. 3000 Volts optical isolation
  2. 15 KV ESD protection
  3. USB bus powered
  4. RS-422/485 data rates up to 921.6 Kbps
  5. High retention USB connector
  6. Removable terminal blocks
  7. DIN rail mount (panel mount option)
  8. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ULI-341TCK, ULI-341TCK - USB to RS-422/485 (Terminal Block) Isolated Converter. Locked Serial Number
  1. USB to RS-422/485 Converter
  2. 2 kV Isolation
  3. USB Port Powered
  4. High Retention USB Connector, Plug in Serial Terminal Block
  5. 460.8 kbps Serial Data Rate
  6. USB Cable Included
  7. Locked Serial Number - Simplifies use in service pool


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ULI-344DC, CIRCUIT MODULE, USB to RS-232/422/485, Industrial, 4 Port
  1. 2 kV Port to Port Isolation
  2. ESD Protection - 8 kV Contact, 15 kV Air
  3. Rugged Metal Case & High Retention USB Connector
  4. Wide Operating Temperature (-40 to 80°C)
  5. Redundant Power Inputs
  6. Modbus ASCII/RTU Compatible
  7. DIN Rail & Panel Mounting Options


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0800-500-1055 FAX:03-6802-1023

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