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ULI-227TL, ULI-227TL - RS-232 (DB9 Male) to 20 mA Current Loop (Terminal Block) Converter
  1. RS-232 to digital 20 mA Current Loop with Isolation
  2. Each current loop may be operated active or passive
  3. Baud rates up to 19.2 kbps
  4. Transmit (T+ and T-) loop and Receive (R- and R-) loop
  5. Port-power or external power supply (not included, sold separately)


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ULI-232TC, CIRCUIT MODULE, RS-232 Isolated extender, DIN Rail
  1. Extend RS-232 Data another 50 ft (15.2 m)
  2. 2000V Optically Isolated Data Lines
  3. -40 to 80°C Operating Temperature
  4. Complies with NEMA TS1 & TS2 Environmental requirements for Traffic Control Equipment


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  1. Connect RS-232 Devices to Your USB Port
  2. Perfect for Field Service Applications
  3. Compact, Space Saving Size
  4. USB Port Powered
  5. USB 2.0 (12 Mbps) Compatible
  6. RS-232 Data Rates Up to 921.6 Kbps
  7. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ULI-223D, ULI-223D - RS-232 to RS-422 Converter, Port Powered, DB9 Female Connectors
  1. Converts RS-232 (DB9F) to RS-422 converter (DB9F)
  2. Extends RS-232 data signals up to 1200 m (4000 ft)
  3. Data rates up to 115.2 Kbps
  4. Quick, inline installation
  5. Powered from RS-232 handshake lines - no power supply required
  6. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ULI-224TCI, CIRCUIT MODULE, Triple Isolated RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter
  1. Data rates up to 115.2 kbps
  2. Three-way 2,000V optical isolation (input, output, power)
  3. Wide operating temperature
  4. UL Class 1/Division 2
  5. Modbus ASCII/RTU compatible
  6. 10–48 VDC input power range


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ULI-224TC, CIRCUIT MODULE, RS-232 to RS-422/485 Converter, DIN Rail, Iso
  1. Extend data up to 1.2 km (4,000 ft.
  2. 2 kV optical isolation on input/output
  3. Wide operating temperature (-40 to +80 °C)
  4. Modbus compatible
  5. UL Recognized, NEMA TS2
  6. Automatic Send Data Control
  7. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ULI-234TC - RS-422/485 Repeater / Isolator, Industrial DIN Mount, Terminal Blocks
  1. Extends RS-422/485 additional 1.2km
  2. 2 KV isolation; 600W surge suppression
  3. -40 to +80 °C wide operating temperature
  4. 10-30 Vdc power supply required (not included, sold separately)
  5. DIN rail mount (panel mount adapter available)
  6. cULus Recognized, UL508
  7. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ULI-234TCI、回路モジュール、トリプル絶縁RS-485/422 DINレールリピーター
  1. リピーターは信号をさらに 1200 m (4,000 フィート) 延長します
  2. 2 KV、3ウェイ光学的隔離(入力/出力/電源)
  3. データレート:最大115.2 kbps
  4. 広い温度範囲:-40から+80°C
  5. DINレール取り付け、IP30ケース
  6. 10-48 Vdc入力(電源供給が必要で、別売りです)
  7. アレン・ブラッドリー 1747-AIC(DH-485ネットワーク)
  8. 2000 V、3ウェイ光学的隔離、UL Class 1/Division 2 リストに掲載
  9. 内蔵、切替可能な終端およびバイアス


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ULI-234TE, CIRCUIT MODULE, RS-422/485 Isolated extender, Heavy Industrial
  1. IEEE-61850-3, IEEE-1613
  2. NEMA TS2
  3. -40 to 85°C Operating Temperature
  4. Rugged IP30 Metal Panel Mount Case
  5. 50G Shock, 4G Vibration
  6. 2kV Triple Isolation
  7. 10 to 48 VDC Input Power


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