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Other Peripherals(拡張カード含み)

Advantech Certified Peripherals, Your Ultimate Sourcing Partner, also enables the Advantech intelligent solution. With more than 30 professional procurement specialists around the world, we have a very well organized global procurement network and logistic infrastructure. We are capable of sourcing the best price in the world, as well as delivering products to customers within the shortest time. In short, the ultimate goal of us is to provide customers the most efficient services, the best quality products, and the shortest shipment lead time.
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ADP A/D 100-240V 150W 19V C14 TERMINAL B
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.21W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI


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ADP A/D 100-240V 230W 24V C14 TERMINAL B
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.21W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI


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96PSA-A36W12R1-3 ACアダプター A/D 100-240V 36W 12V C6 DC PLUG 90° 62368
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.1W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI


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ADP A/D 100-240V 36W 12V C6 LOCK DC JACK
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.1W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI


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ACアダプター A/D 100-240V 60W 12V C14 DC PLUG 90°
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.15W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI
  6. AC電源ケーブルは別売りです。日本でご利用頂く場合は別途1700000237-31をご購入いただく必要がございます。


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ADP A/D 100-240V 60W 12V C14 DC PLUG 180
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.15W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI
  6. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)

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ADP A/D 100-240V 60W 12V C14 LOCKABLE DC
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. Meet Energy Star EPS 2.0 /ErP Lot 7
  3. No load Power Consumption ≦0.21W
  4. High Reliability
  5. Available for high altitude(5,000M) and DOE level VI
  6. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)


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ADP A/D 100-240V 65W 19V C6 TERMINAL BLO
  1. Full range AC input 100-240V
  2. High efficiency up to 88%
  3. Common safety for CUL / CB / CCC / CE / CU / GS / BSMI / KC / C-Tick / PSB / RCM / IRAM / Efficiency Level
  4. Compact Size: 108 mm x 46 mm x 29.5 mm


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21.5インチ FHD ディスプレイ、VGA/HDMI対応、ブラック色、内蔵スピーカー、フロントベゼルにロゴなし
  1. 21.5インチの有効画面サイズ
  2. 内蔵スピーカー、フロントベゼルにロゴなし
  3. スリムでコンパクトな外形寸法
  4. 安定かつ耐久性のあるデスクトップスタンド
  5. フルHDで鮮明でカラフルな視聴体験
  6. 広い視野角で優れたディスプレイパフォーマンス
  7. ACとDCの両方の電源に対応する柔軟な電力入力
  8. 複数のSKUから選択可能
  9. ※本製品にPSE電源コードは添付されております。


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