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Advantech offers a wide variety of serial communication cards supporting the RS-232/422/485 and CAN bus protocols and providing different channel numbers to meet the needs of diverse applications. With the industrial-grade ESD, Surge, Isolation and EFT protections, our serial communnication cards can prevent the damage from harsh industrial environments.
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CIRCUIT BOARD, 2-port RS-232 PCIe Comm. Card
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 2 x RS-232 or RS- 232/422/485 ports
  5. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.4/ 2.6/ 3.x.x, QNX6.5 and Vxworks
  6. XR17V352 UART with 256-byte FIFOs


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CIRCUIT BOARD, 2-port RS-232 PCIe Comm. Card w/Iso
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 2 x RS-232 or RS- 232/422/485 ports
  5. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.4/ 2.6/ 3.x.x, QNX6.5 and Vxworks
  6. XR17V352 UART with 256-byte FIFOs


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  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 4 x RS-232 or RS- 232/422/485 ports
  5. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.4/ 2.6/ 3.x.x, QNX6.5 and Vxworks
  6. XR17V354 UART with 256-byte FIFOs


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CIRCUIT BOARD, 4-port RS-232/422/485 PCIe Comm. Card
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 4 x RS-232 or RS- 232/422/485 ports
  5. Operating systems supported: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux 2.4/ 2.6/ 3.x.x, QNX6.5 and Vxworks
  6. XR17V354 UART with 256-byte FIFOs


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RS-232/422/485 4ポートPCIeコミュニケーションカード(サージ&アイソレーション機能付き)
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 4 x RS-232 or RS- 232/422/485 ports
  5. Operating systems supported: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, Linux
  6. XR17V354 UART with 256-byte FIFOs
  7. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)



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8-port RS-232/422/485 PCI Express Communication Card
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 8 x RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 ports
  5. XR17V358 UART with 256-byte FIFOs
  6. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)



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8-port RS-232/422/485 with isolation
  1. PCI Express bus 2.0 compliant
  2. Speeds up to 921.6 kbps for extremely fast data transmission
  3. Supports any baud rate setting
  4. 8 x RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 ports
  5. XR17V358 UART with 256-byte FIFOs


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32チャンネルの絶縁デジタルI/O PCI Express
  1. 16チャンネルの絶縁デジタル入力
  2. PNP(ソース)/ NPN(シンク)タイプの16チャンネルの絶縁デジタル出力
  3. 高い出力駆動能力
  4. ソフトウェアによるDOタイプの選択可能
  5. 高い絶縁電圧(2,500 VDC)
  6. すべてのDIチャンネルに対する割り込み処理機能(PCIE-1750UHのみ)
  7. すべてのDIチャンネルに対する選択可能なデジタルフィルタタイム(PCIE-1750UHのみ)
  8. →お急ぎの場合は

    こちら(工場直送専門サイトへ移動 / 別途ユーザー登録要)



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64ch 絶縁型デジタル入力 PCIExpressカード
  1. 広い入力レンジ(10~30 VDC)
  2. 過電圧保護(70 VDC)
  3. 高電圧絶縁(2,500 VDC)
  4. 割り込みハンドリング


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